- Poster Session
Poster Spotlight & Audience Vote for Best Poster Awards

Wednesday November 06, 2024 | 16:35 to 17:00
Room: Central



Best Poster: Upon PMMA degradation by radiation technology for recycling application
Nicolas Ludwig
Aerial, Illkirch, France


Best Poster: Towards a validation framework for radiation transport simulations: a case study using EGSnrc and Geant4
Malcolm McEwen
National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Canada


Best Poster: Building a database of Sterilisation Dose Audit Positives to analyse trends seen across the industry.
Nicola Bench
BD, Tavistock, United Kingdom


Best Poster: AP+: Leveraging radiation sterilization to enhance pharmaceutical manufacturing
Chris Anderson
Johnson & Johnson, Centerville, United States


Best Scientific: It's not all about the dose- The case of eBeam- Mediated PFAS destruction
Suresh Pillai
Texas A&M University, College Station, United States


Best Scientific: New computer simulation approach for evaluating appropriateness of verification and sterilization doses for low-bioburden products
Martell Winters
Nelson Labs, West Valley, United States


Best Scientific: The effectiveness of industrial gamma, X-ray, and e-beam sources to inactivate B. pumilus spores in the presence of liquid water
Pierre Reppert
STERIS, Däniken, Switzerland


Best Scientific: Electron beam irradiation reduces plant pathogen abundance and transmission by psyllids
Keyan Zhu-Salzman
Texas A&M University, College Station, United States


Best Industry: Innovations in industrial irradiation for radioisotope production in nuclear medicine
Joern Meissner
Meissner Consulting GmbH, Neubiberg, Germany


Best Industry: Food irradiation as a tool to help advance un sustainable development goals
Marinei Santos
Federal Institute of Parana, CURITIBA, Brazil


Best Industry: Use of multibody simulations to generate realistic device positions within packaging as input for virtual dose mapping
Tobias Funk
Dose Insight, Newark, United States


Best Industry: How to accurately calibrate the scanning and pseudo-parallel magnets in an X-ray center?
Damien Prieels
IBA sa, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

If you have any questions, please email us (info@imrp2024.com) or come to the onsite registration desk.
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