Equipment Alley

Wednesday November 06, 2024 from 09:00 to 10:00

Room: Central

TT-Equip 3.1 E-Beam and X-Ray – More than meets the eye

Joern Meissner, Germany

Meissner Consulting GmbH


E-Beam and X-Ray – more than meets the eye

Joern Meissner1.

1Meissner Consulting GmbH, Neubiberg, Germany

Imagine you are getting ready to cut the ribbon on a brand new electron beam or X-ray facility. Simply enlarging the sterilization or phytosanitary treatment capacity in  markets that are in dire need is enough to guarantee the success of this business venture – right?


Not so fast.  Most new radiation treatment centers have to overcome daunting challenges in order to even make it out of the starting gate, and the difference between failure and success is in the details. In order to overcome these challenges, it is a good idea to define key performance indicators (KPIs) at the outset of your business plan and manage the developing project to optimize them.


The most important KPIs will be presented, provided in a road map for an effective risk and cost management process. Case studies from similar projects will be referenced. Starting with the feasibility phase, the road map will highlight the business and capacity planning, radiation safety as well as the technological challenges to transfer product to electron beam or X-ray. The role of simulations will be highlighted as a tool to mitigate risk and improve effectiveness. New radiation facilities often raise some eyebrows in the local city councils, and permitting challenges are driving not only by regulations, but also by effectively mitigating emotions in the local community.


Through this KPI driven process, your new electron beam or X-ray facility will build momentum at a comfortable pace that ensures functionality at the most efficient and effective rate possible when you are finally humming along at peak operational capacity.

If you have any questions, please email us ( or come to the onsite registration desk.
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