Equipment Alley

Tuesday November 05, 2024 from 17:00 to 18:00

Room: Central

TT-Equip 2.3 Progress in developing a superconducting accelerator for efficient X-ray production

Jayakar C T Thangaraj, United States

Senior Technology and Commercialization Manager
Emerging technology directorate
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory


Progress in developing a superconducting accelerator for efficient X-ray production

Thomas Kroc1.

1IARC, Fermilab, Batavia, IL, United States

Introduction: Converting electron beams to X-rays is an inherently inefficient process. Therefore, the accelerator system must be as efficient as possible. The use of a superconducting accelerator system ensures that over 90% of the RF power is utilized in the beam power. Additionally, new accelerator systems must be robust and as close to turn-key as possible to promote adoption of these technologies. [1]

Body: The presentation will report on the progress of our 20 kW prototype that incorporates emerging technologies for a superconducting electron accelerator. The use of superconductivity enables efficient, high-power accelerator systems that can provide mega-Curie equivalent X-ray fields as an alternative for processes that require photon irradiation. The critical component is the quality of the coating of the superconducting cavity with the Nb3Sn coating. This is a multi-step, iterative process of surface cleaning, coating with the tin layer, and measurement of the RF performance. The system design has a reduced number of components which increases robustness and will incorporate a simple, powerful, secure, easy-to-use control system.

Conclusion: The coating of the cavity will be complete by the time of the conference. Results will be reported. The performance of the electron source and the RF coupler testing will also be reported.

References: [1] Kroc, Thomas K., Jayakar C. T. Thangaraj, Richard T. Penning, and Robert D. Kephart, “Accelerator-Driven Medical Sterilization to Replace Co-60 Sources,” Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, July 6, 2017.

Presentations by Jayakar C T Thangaraj

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