Dosimetry Square

Wednesday November 06, 2024 from 14:00 to 15:00

Room: Central

Jakob G. Hjørringgaard, Denmark

Development Engineer
Technical University of Denmark


RisøScan 2.0

Jakob Hjørringgaard1, Arne Miller1.

1Risø HDRL, Department of Health Technology, Technical University of Denmark, Roskilde, Denmark

The RisøScan dosimetry software package was originally developed at Risø National Laboratory in Denmark and released in 2004. It presents a simple and practical tool for analysis of spatial dosimetry measurements using radiochromic dosimetry films and a flatbed scanner.

RisøScan 2.0 is fully validated and has a wide range of features to improve the user experience, including an updated user interface. The main new features are:

User defined calibration functions – Polynomials are available as default calibration functions, however an option for the user to specify other calibration functions is made available.

Uncertainty analysis of calibration function - Estimation of the uncertainty components related to reproducibility and curve fit are automatically generated for the established calibration functions following the guidelines set out in documents such as ISO/ASTM 51261 and CIRM 29.

Data collection session – The user can store measurement data in a table inside RisøScan. All recorded data are logged in a separate file, and screenshots containing all measurement information are automatically saved for individual measurements. Specific measurements sessions for collecting min, max or depth dose data are available, as well as a more general data collection.

Data export – Measurement data collected during the sessions can be exported directly to Excel-files for easy access to post-analysis of the results.

Presentations by Jakob G. Hjørringgaard

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