Phyto4.3 Versatile solutions for phytosanitary irradiation and multi-purpose applications


Versatile solutions for phytosanitary irradiation and multi-purpose applications

Ariadnne Vargas Rivadeneira1, Eric Beers1, Jeremy Brison1.

1Ion Beam Applications, IBA, Lovain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Phytosanitary irradiation of fresh produce has been vital for agricultural product safety and quality globally for over two decades. While its global usage is currently lower than alternative methods like methyl-bromide fumigation, cold or hot dip treatment, there is a rapid rise in approved products and processing volumes, especially in some regions.

Operating a facility for low-dose products like fruits while accommodating high-dose products like medical devices is a challenging but flexible approach. It adapts to growing phytosanitary treatment demands, optimizing facility usage and efficiency. This strategy aligns with evolving industry needs, with X-Ray technology offering advantages over the Duo E-beam method.

Executing phytosanitary irradiation with X-Ray systems presents unique technical and logistical hurdles due to product diversity, precise dosing requirements, and the specific characteristics of fresh produce, including cold chain and quick turnaround times.

To address these challenges and improve fresh produce phytosanitary irradiation, an innovative X-Ray processing system has been developed. This system tackles these unique obstacles while maintaining precision and reliability.

This presentation aims to highlight the technical challenges of fresh produce phytosanitary irradiation and how innovative X-Ray systems can overcome them. It also explores how this approach meets industry demands and aligns with global phytosanitary treatment standards, emphasizing the seamless integration of X-Ray technology into practical scenarios.

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