Phyto4.5 BENEBION: Adding an X-Ray treatment modality to our phytosanitary treatment facility

Arved G Deecke, Mexico

Founder / Member of the Board


BENEBION: Adding an X-Ray treatment modality to our phytosanitary treatment facility.

Arved Deecke1,2.

1Business Development, BENEBION, Matehuala, , Mexico; 2Owner, Cherenkov Consulting, Zapopan, , Mexico

BENEBION is an independent irradiation service provider with a specialty in phytosanitary irradation in Mexico. Beyond that core business the company also treats a wider portfolio of medical devices, laboratory equipment, dehydtrated food items, frozen good, pet treats and animal feed. After twelve years in operation those segments have grown into the same space with conflicting capacity needs and the company committed to add X-Ray as a treatment modality in a separate plant built next to its current facility.


The talk will touch on design considerations, manufacturing concept, lessons learnt and the measures taken to accommodate the speed offered by a large x-Ray facilitiy without reaching into mechanical limitations. 

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