Sustainability Presentations

Wednesday November 06, 2024 from 11:30 to 12:45

Room: Guanacaste

PL7.3 Making X-Ray carbon neutral: challenges & way forward

Anthony Lemmens, Belgium

Project Manager
IBA sa


Making X-Ray carbon neutral: challenges & way forward

Anthony Lemmens1, Jeremy Brison1, Frederic Dessy1, Eric Gravier1, Alain Strasser2, Abbas Nasreddine2.

1IBA, Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium; 2Aerial, Illkirch-Graffenstaden, France

Electron accelerators are increasingly used for sterilization and other purposes, such as phytosanitary treatments and environmental applications. Even if accelerators are intrinsically environmentally friendly by avoiding the use of toxic chemicals and radioactive materials, their electrical consumption and CO2 footprint, especially in X-Ray mode, are still concerns in some parts of the world. In addition, the accessibility to a reliable and green energy can also be a worry. 

Reducing the footprint of accelerators, while increasing their resilience, requires a holistic approach presented earlier. The goal of this paper is to present the first quantitative results of the analysis, and the methodologies used to reach tangible results in each of the axis. A complete life cycle analysis of the product will be presented. The footprint and areas of improvement will be exposed for each phase of the life cycle, the main contributor being electrical consumption during use. 

Priority is therefore set on its reduction by continuously increasing the efficiency with new product improvements combining the latest technologies. The impact of the remaining consumption is further reduced by using green energy. Beyond their carbon neutral intake, renewable energy production on site also guarantees resilience against energy price crisis enabling a strong and sustainable business. Attention is also paid to recover fatal calories emitted by the process to supply heating for buildings, neighboring industrial needs or even heating networks. 

Partnerships are built to generate personalized case studies and accompany them. 

The corresponding achievements will be presented. Thanks to them, accelerators can be further optimized to reduce their ecological footprint towards carbon neutrality. 

Presentations by Anthony Lemmens

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